Plan mësimor, lënda Anglisht
Në këtë material do të gjeni dy plane mësimore, per klasën e gjashtë dhe të shtatë, përkatësisht me temat : "Get ready discussion" dhe "Top tips reading and listening"
Lesson plan, class VII
Field: Get ready discussion
Subject: English
Class: VII
Topic: Get Ready Discussion
Results of learning field competences referring to the topics:
Students will be able to:
-Write about jobs
-Write about neighbours
-Complete exercises.
Situation of Learning: Neighbours
Key words: dentist, doctor, electician, haidresser, mechanic, plumber, taxi driver.
Sources: Course book
Developement: At the begining of this class i check students homeworks. Students read their homeworks and other listen and check. Then, i write the title "Neighbours" on the board.
Secondly, students look at the picture and discuss about the picture. Then, i write the meaning of the new words
Then, students look at a questionnaire and think about the answers.
Assessment: I evaluate students based on the observation, classworks and answers.
Homework: Workbook exercise.
Lesson Plan, class VI
Field: Language and communication
Subject: English
Class: VI
Topics:Top tips reading and listening
Situation of learning: Food/Drinks
Results of learning field competences referring to the topics:
Students will be able to:
-Write about foods and drinks
-Complete exercises,
-Create new sentences
Key words: apples, beans, biscuits, chicken, pasta, nuts, salad, tea, water.
Sources: Coursebook/Workbook
Developemet: At the begging of this class I check students homeworks. Students read their homeworks and others listen and check. Then, i write the title "Top Tips" on the board and ask students what do they understand.
Secondly, students discuss the pictures and they say the meaning of the new words
Food: apples, salad chicken, pasta
Drinks: water, milk coffee, tea
Thirdly, I read and translate the text that is given from Radio 4. Students listen carefully and underline the new words.
Assessment: I evaluate students based on the observations, classworks and answers.
Homework: Workbook exercise.
(Portali Shkollor)
Teste përmbledhëse për të tria periudhat në të gjitha lëndët, klasa IV
Gjeografi, teste përmbledhëse për periudhën e parë për klasën VI, VIII, X, XII
Model testimi në lëndën gjuha shqipe, klasa e 11